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Professional Certificate in Facility Management

This qualification is a knowledge - based professional certification and industry suppliers looking to increase their depth-of-knowledge in the core FM topics deemed critical by employers. By earning the must-have PCFM certification, you will join over FM professionals worldwide who have improved their knowledge, enhanced their skills, and gained immediate credibility with employers, clients and peers

Who Can Join?

PCFM will help to accelerate an FM's transition into the profession and demonstrate a proven comprehension of the foundations of facility management. It is ideal for:

  • Facility management practitioners looking to increase their depth-of-knowledge in the foundation FM topics deemed critical by employers.
  • Individuals who are transitioning into the FM profession.
  • Related-industry practitioners such as architects, designers and safety engineers.
  • Facility-related product and service providers.
  • Students entering the profession from colleges, universities, certificate or technical programs.

Professional Certificate in Facility management will help you gain a solid understanding of the facility management profession, develop the knowledge and skills demanded by employers and, ultimately, increase your skill set, build credibility, gain a competitive edge, network with other FM professionals. Those who work with FM’s and those who work in related industries seeking to advance in the FM field. It’s an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills that facility management employers are demanding while proving to your current and prospective employers that your abilities meet or exceed industry-wide standards.

  • Certificate of completion
  • Live lectures by Experienced and expert CFM Qualified trainers
  • Hard & soft copy of training material including questions and notes.
  • Free re-training for non-passing students
  • Mock exams
  • Revision and Exam prep session
  • Several practice questions embedded within the training program

The following four knowledge domains, as determined by the recent global job task analysis, are deemed critical to the foundation of knowledge required of facility managers, and therefore are taught and tested by our PCFM.

  • Operations and Maintenance
  • Project Management
  • Finance and Business
  • Leadership and Strategy

Why Leaders Training Centre?

We offer extensive classroom training, Inspirational tuition from expert practitioner who uses real examples in the classroom to bring the course to life. Our class sizes are strictly capped, enhancing the level of support available to each candidate inside the classroom.

One-to-one tutor introduction

Our support begins on the day a student enrols with us. All of our candidates are invited to a one-to-one meeting or phone call with their course tutor. The instructor will explain the curriculum and discuss studying techniques that suit the individual candidate.

Teaching Style

Inspirational tuition from expert practitioner who uses real examples in the classroom to bring the course to life. We employ most experienced and qualified faculty to teach.


Our courses are structured in modules to allow maximum flexibility for candidates. We offer classes on weekends for the convenience of students.


We offer students with 120 plus hours of tutored class time, with no subjects in the curriculum omitted. The length and intensity of class is kept to suit your working style and budget.


We offer continuous off-class support in the form of emails, Whats app groups, discussion forums on our e-learning portal.


Our tutor provides an intuitive understanding of accounting and finance, not just a long sequence of formulae for rote learning. This understanding helps to make complex analytical exam questions easier, as well as providing longer term benefit to the candidate as well as their employer.

Inquire/ Request a Call back

Contact Information

For inquiries or registration please call:

Call us: +974 4466 4321

Visit us: Morning 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM (7 days a week)

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