ist of Task

TaskSteps & DescriptionScreenshotLink

1.Floor visit

Begin the floor visit by conducting a visual inspection of the building’s exterior and interior, including the reception area.

  1. Assess the cleanliness and hygiene of the building, paying particular attention to high-traffic areas, such as corridors and
  2. Enter each room, including offices, labs, classrooms, and washrooms, systematically.
  3. Inspect the setup of each room, ensuring that desks, monitors, screens, and other equipment are in working order and properly arranged.
  4. Confirm the presence of necessary supplies like whiteboards, markers, and erasers, and ensure they are in good
  5. Check for any signs of damage or malfunction and report any issues to the appropriate department for repair or replacement.
  6. Verify that the allocated rooms match the scheduled classes and that any changes or adjustments are properly
2.Stock checking
  1. Conduct regular stock checks of books and printing materials to ensure maintain minimum quantity of books for each course
  2. Upon identifying books with low stock counts, notify the office boy or designated personnel to initiate printing of the required number of sets for the particular
  3. Provide accurate information regarding the number of sets needed and any specific requirements for printing, such as binding or
  4. In addition to books, identify any other printing materials required by trainers or
  5. Communicate these requirements to the office boy, specifying the type of material needed and the timing of when they are
  6. If there are documents or books to be printed by the management, copy the files to a pen
  7. Insert the pen drive into the designated printer and initiate the printing
  8. Inform the office manager or relevant personnel that the print job has been initiated and specify the expected completion
3.Team meeting
  • The purpose of is to outline the procedure for conducting a team meeting to discuss previous day’s issues, identify and resolve current day’s problems, outline main activities for the day, and address any other pertinent
  • Collaboratively identify solutions to current problems and
  • Document action items and assign responsibilities to team members as
4.Sales team and trainer visit
  • Conduct a quick meeting with the salespersons to discuss their needs and
  • Take note of any issues or requirements mentioned by the sales
  • If any issues or requirements need to be addressed by the management, inform them
  • Ensure that all relevant information is conveyed to the management team for
  • Inform the operations team about any issues or requirements that need to be resolved at their
  • Ensure that necessary actions are taken by the operations team to address the identified
  • Similarly, call the language center to gather feedback and address any concerns or requirements.
5. Trainers visit
  • Conduct a visiting quick discussion with the trainers to understand any specific needs for books or materials.
  • If any issues or requirements need to be addressed. Note it down and inform the concern
6.Morning admin and reception works:
  1. Cleanliness of desk
  2. Call log verification
  3. If any miss calls, note down and call back and do the needful.
  4. Fresh desk check
  5. Check any new tickets raised, if so, respond promptly and resolve the issue asap. And close the ticket.
  6. Daily tracking sheet update
  7. Cross check the sheet with zoho book, if any customer details to be added. If any there add the customer in respective google sheets and whatsapp group.
  8. Video uploading
  9. Download the video from zoom, and upload the video in vimeo showcase.
  10. Outlook check
  11. Check any new mails received, any mail to be follow
  12. Room Allocation
  13. Verify the previous day room allocation is not changed and cross check with zoho calendar. Post it in the leader’s team.
  14. Mobile check
  15. Check the phone any complaints, or messages received from sales team, customers and management. If so, do it asap with note down it in priority manner.
  16. New batch Start:
  17. Check the schedule sheet any batch to start within two days or next day, if so, gather the information create a whatsapp group and attendance sheet. Reminder should be given to trainer.
  18. Ongoing Batch Ends
  19. Check the schedule sheet and cross check with trainer and confirm the date of batch ends. Update the certificate processing list sheet and prepare google feedback forms. Remind trainers on attendance sheet and QR code for reviews.
7.Evening admin and reception works:
  1. Daily tracking sheet update
  2. check the receivables from zoho book, if any customer details to be added. If any there add the customer in respective google sheets and WhatsApp group.
  3. Fresh desk check
  4. Check any new tickets raised, if so, respond promptly and resolve the issue asap. And close the ticket.
  5. Creation of new batch WhatsApp group
  6. if any batch or private session is going to start on next day create the group and add respective persons.
  7. Room Allocation
  8. Next day room allocation to be done checking with zoho calenders and verifying with trainers.
  9. PSI Exam
  10. Check the PSI portal for any exam on following day and post in test center group.
  11. Post message in sales or trainer or students’ group
  12. Any schedule changes or important message for next day should be posted in the appropriate groups. Also, any requirements for next day class or trainer or sales team should be informed to the concern person.
  13. Pending work:
  14. Any pending work is there to be noted and documented, and should be done on next day at the earliest.
  • Google Reviews

Check the rating and interact with customers for getting 5 stars using QR code while receiving certificate and other casual ways.

  • Quality Control

Random calls to be done to selected customers, for improving the quality of service collect the feedback on their overall experience, comments etc. and if any issue raised forward the message to concern department and resolve it asap.

  • NEBOSH documents verification on admin part

In NEBOSH registration cover sheet verify the check list on e-portal access, attendance and WhatsApp group along with scanned and physical documents, signed it and gave back to operation head to upload.

  • Google feedback form posting

–Collect the Feedback forms from respective groups and convert to pdf file and save it. Post it in the feedback group.

  • Competitors page checking

–Check the updates and new information and promo on competitor’s social media pages, and pass the information to the concern marketing department.

  1. PSI EXAM:
  1. Visitor greeting and ask for the QID/Passport
  2. Open the psi exam browser
  3. Select the center name
  4. Proctoring ->search scheduled candidates-> give the date and time slot-> search
  5. Cross check the candidate details with candidate QID/Passport.
  6. Select the candidate name ->click check in-> give the check in time -> print OTP-> OK
  7. Print a copy of QID/passport for documentation as proof and record in Exam Database
  8. Took the candidate to the lab for exam
  9. Request the candidate to keep all personal belonging including smart watch, wallet, phone should be kept in the
  10. Make the candidate to sit for exam, giving the printed
  11. Open the PSI browser from desktop
  12. Psi exam browser->GPS Assessment-> ask the candidate to give the candidate id and OTP from provided print sheet and cross check the candidate details and exam details -> start exam
  13. Once exam finishes
  14. Go to PSI site-> Proctoring ->search scheduled candidates-> give the date and time slot-> search
  15. Select the candidate name ->click check out-> give the checkout



  1. Visitor Registration
Walk in lead:

  1. Greet the visitor
  2. Open the zoho books
  3. Select the Reception activity module -> give the details date, time, customer name, phone number, course name, priority->save
  4. Send the screenshot of the saved document to concern person (Mr. Shoaib), who will allocate the lead to appropriate sales person.
  5. Ask the customer to wait for few minutes to get the response from concern
  6. Once it getting delay, will contact any other management concern persons if not getting response allocate the lead to available sales person and inform the management of this allocation.
  7. Call the sales person and meet up with client.

Land line lead:

  1. Greet the visitor
  2. Open the zoho books-> note down the details
  3. Select the Reception activity module -> give the details date, time, customer name, phone number, course name, priority->save
  4. Request the customer that he/she will get a call within 5-10 minutes maximum from concern person who can guide them
  5. Send the screenshot of the saved document to concern person (Mr. Shoaib), who will allocate the lead to appropriate sales person.





  1. Open the Freshdesk platform with login
  2. Click unresolved tab( in top of the page)
  3. We can see the ticket raised by the sales team with different quires, complaints, requests
  4. Open the ticket
  5. Read everything carefully, understand the concern and acknowledge the
  6. Click the replay button->type the message->send
  7. If its related to management, accounts, or admin head tag the concern person and request to do the needful
  8. If its regarding any client issue, acknowledge the ticket and contact the concern client and solve the issue and update in the
  9. Once the issue resolved close the
  10. Select the status icon( right side of the ticket page)->give the status as closed-> click the update button
  11. (if not closed give as pending)

  1. Open zoho books


  1. Check the month batch schedule sheet, verify the batch date when the batch is going to start.
  2. At least before 2 days of batch starts the group information has to be gathered.
  3. Check and verify the batch start date, timings, and trainer.
  4. Go to student registration sheet in Administration google sheet
  5. Take the student details such as name, contact no: by batch name which is going to start.
  6. Cross verify the student’s details or number of students for particular batch from daily tracking
  7. Go to Daily tracking sheet->filter->item name and batch name
  8. Verify both counts in registration sheet and filtered daily tracking sheet is
  9. Screenshot the counts and send in sales team as an information on starting batch with these counts and verify their
  10. Remind trainers on the batch start
  11. Prepare Attendance sheet in google sheet with proper batch name, time, date, days, hours, trainer name , student name , contact no:
  12. Attendance google sheet to be shared to particular
  13. Create WhatsApp group with batch name and include all participants, trainer, management peoples, sales
  14. Send the greeting message in the group including venue, start date, total hours, days and timing.





  1. If the registration is done for private training, the notification will be automatically generated in zoho ,the steps to followed are:
  2. -Go to->daily tracking report/sheet-> filter the batch name as private others
  3. -Select the student name -> copy
  4. -Paste in zoho books->from customer details-> take the timings and days and trainer
  5. -If not given it should be immediately confirmed from the sales person and ask them o update.
  6. -Open the zoho calendar and Check the date availability of the respective trainer in their zoho calendar.
  7. -If the slots are available book the slot immediately, with providing start date, end date, student
  8. -Create WhatsApp group with pvt course name and include student, trainer, management peoples, and respective sales
  9. Send the greeting message in the group including venue, start date, total hours, days and





  1. Open zoho calendar
  2. Login with appropriate login credentials
  3. On left side of page, we can see all trainers’ calendars with trainer name.
  4. Select the trainer-> adjust the view as per our need week, month or day from the view option right top side of the page and click it
  5. Below the trainer name on left side of the page, we can see the calendar with dates.
  6. Select the date which the batch/ private session going to start.
  7. Select the session time from the screen as per training
  8. Provide the start date, start time, end time, trainer name to the pop up window
  9. If it is to be repeated select the repeat option
  10. Go to more options below the pop up window
  11. Select weekly option->select the days->give the end time as count or date->save.

  1. Check and verify the batch end date, timings, and trainer from the schedule sheet in Administration google sheet data
  2. -Recheck with trainers on end date
  3. -If the date is confirmed, prepare the certificate processing list and feedback forms to be prepared.
  4. -Take the student details such as name, contact no: by batch name which is going to end.
  5. -Cross verify the  students’ details or number of students for particular batch from whatsapp group.
  6. -These students name and contact number along with batch start date and end date should be update in the certificate issuance (from where account take details for printing certificates).
  7. -Certificates should be ready on the date of session ends
  8. -feedback form should be prepared from google forms,.
  9. Go to google forms->select the feedback template which we using currently-> rename the form with respective batch name.
  10. Open the renamed form->rename inside the form too with same respective batch name->save
  11. Select the send button on right most corner of the form->click the share link-> select the shorten URL->click copy->ok
  12. Open whatsapp-> Go to respective whatsapp group for which the form has created->
  13. -Give reminders in group for giving
  14. -These feedback should be collected after a week of posting.
  15. Open the feedback form, select responses tab and convert it into pdf format and save it.
  16. -Saved pdf feedback form and should be sent in the Trainers feedback group.




  1. If any freelance trainer is needed for private or batch ,
  2. Freelance instructor with respective course name and requirements for job has to be posted in indeed.
  3.  Collect the resumes.
  4. Download it and do a telephonic interview with relevant
  5. Once it’s up to mark, document the interview and give to management for further process.
  6. Once it’s finalized, send the trainer the terms and conditions to be signed and forward the signed document to the management.
  7. After the program ends, remind the trainer to send the fee processing form to the management along with attaching the attendance sheet.
  8. Once it is completed from trainer inform accounts team to proceed the payment.



  1. Once a whatsapp group is created for batch or private, it should be provided with a vimeo showcase link in the description box, where the daily recording to be uploaded.
  2. After each class the trainer will record the class in zoom or zoho platform.
  3. Check the video quality and Verify the zoom record is done properly with correct batch name and Download the videos.
  4. Login zoom account->account management (left below tab)->recording management
  5. Select the recording->open with screen view->click
  6. Save the file with batch name and date.
  7. Open the vimeo platform
  8. Select videos (right upper tab)-new->upload->choose files->select the downloaded videos from the zoom downloads->open.
  9. Once it is uploaded in the platform.
  10. Select the showcase tab-> from the dropdown list select the appropriate batch folder->add video -> select the uploaded video with respective batch name->add.

In case of new batch starts, new showcase to be created as follows:

  1. Showcase->new showcase-> give the batch name under title->select anyone with password and set a password->save.
  2. Select the share button on the same new showcase (right upper side)-> copy the link.
  3. Paste this link in the description of newly created batch in whatsapp along with the
  4. Once the video is uploaded, it should be updated in the class recordings google sheet where the recording data is maintained, with proper information last recording session date and uploading date.




CERTIFICATE PROCESS:Once the batch ends, the certificate should be provided on the same day.

  1. Check the schedule sheet for the end date of a batch and confirm with the trainer on end date.
  2. once confirmed, take the student details including name and number from Daily Tracking google sheet
  3. Verify the name from zoho
  4. after verification, update these details along with batch name in certificate issuance sheet.
  5. (from there the accountant took the details and print the certificate and update as printed)
  6. Once it printed intimate the students in group .
  7. For private sessions, after the class ends the sales counselor will update the certificate details in zoho, (from there the accountant took the details and print the certificate and update as printed)
  8. Once it printed intimate the students
  9. “When the client comes to collect the certificate, interact with them politely and take a scanned copy of the certificate and client QID. Obtain a signature confirming receipt from them, and finally, kindly ask them to rate us on Google Review. Also, take a picture while they receive the certificate.”

Note: reminder should be given to the accountant frequently.




  1. Open the zoho calendar.
  2. Note down the current day batches and pvt session along with time of each trainer from each respective trainer calendar.
  3. Note down the training on current day with freelance trainer also.
  4. Go to room allocation sheet in administration google data sheet-> arrange the sessions properly in appropriate rooms with timing->once allocation is done-> take the screenshot of allocation and post it in the leaders team whatsapp group.



 GOOGLE REVIEW COLLECTION Review to be collected,

  • At the time of certificate collection.
  • -At the time interaction with
  • -At the time of Quality control

Share with them the QR Code and ask them to rate for 5 start on our
Check the reviews from business page and reply

  • Frequently monitor the Google Business page and review its performance. If any negative feedback or issues are observed, promptly inform management. Personally call the client to inquire about the matter and resolve it as soon as possible.


  • Randomly select some clients in weekly basis
  • Ask the overall experience, their feedbacks and suggestion on class, training.
  • Once find as well good experience ask to give google rating.
  • If any complaints and negative comments passed, report to the management and resolve it as soon as possible.
  • Document each call with date on quality control database google sheet


Baking and Barista class requi

Trainers Activity Coordination:

Salesperson Activity Coordination:


Exam Email Management:



  1. Adding new customer:

Once a NEBOSH batch starts, all the student should be provided with e-portal access.

  • -Collect the full name and e-mail id of the student from the daily tracking sheet.
  • -open the e-portal platform from leaders.qa
  • -Login ->username & password
  • -Select Dashboard(left upper corner of the page)
  • -From dropdown modules ->select the users->add user
  • -give email id as username
  • -fill the first name and last name
  • -set a default password as Welcome@2023@
  • -Select Role->Customer
  • -Select Form Role->Participant
  • Click ->add user.
  • Once the user added, then click on edit user->User Enrolled in Courses->
    select the respective course (nebosh igc revision/nebosh resit revision)-> click on black
  • Click the ->update user.
  • Add the E-portal orientation video in the whatsapp group description

2. Updating an existing customer:

  • -Login ->username & password
  • -Select Dashboard(left upper corner of the page)
  • -From dropdown modules ->select the all users->give the username in search bar->search
  • -click the username ->do the necessary changes/updates->click update

3.Exam and E-portal Reminders in group:

  • -Once a NEBOSH batch starts, a message should frequently send as a remainder on upcoming exam registration date deadline and e-portal completion to be done before
  • -This message to be forwarded to least all NEBOSH groups

4. Day before NEBOSH exam registration deadline:

  • Check the students e-portal completion whom all registered for appearing exam on the nebosh exam list prepared by the operation team head and nebosh coordinator.
  • -Login ->username & password
  • -Select Dashboard(left upper corner of the page)
  • -From dropdown modules ->select the users->give the username in search bar->search
  • -click the username -> check whether all elements have done and attended mock test has completed
  • -This completed or not completed status should be updated in the nebosh exam registration sheet.

5. Certificate inquiry:

  • If any student came for IOSH,NEBOSH,OSHA Certificate collection or inquiry,
  • -First check the zoho book with clients full name as per qid
  • -check the certificate status in zoho books, if not found check in the certificate processing
  • -if it’s not updated, check the status with accountant and NEBOSH coordinator.
  •  Convey the information to the client.


  • End of the week , need to collect the NEBOSH registration physical and scanned forms from the NEBOSH coordinator
  • check and verify the front sheet admin part including e-portal given.
  • Sign it and give back to the NEBOSH Coordinator/ accountant and Give reminder to operation head to upload the scanned documents.
  • Monthly NEBOSH Training schedule sending:
  • -prepare the NEBOSH Training schedule for each month with days, timing , mode of class.
  • -verify with the trainer
  • -once confirmed, take the approval from operation head and send the email to concern person.


  • Upon the certificate’s arrival at our center or its receipt via mail, the accountant will notify the sales team accordingly from his end.
  • From my end, I will reach out to each client and convey the message that their certificate is ready for collection through calls and WhatsApp messages. In case of no response, follow-up reminders will be sent to ensure prompt collection.
  • When the client arrives to collect the certificate, I will courteously interact with them, take a scanned copy of the certificate and their QID, and obtain their signature confirming receipt. Finally, I will kindly request them to rate us on Google Review. Additionally, I will capture a picture of them receiving the certificate.
  • Firstly, it needs to be clarified whether their duties are allocated to one person or divided among the team. Once determined, necessary actions should be taken accordingly.
  • All relevant information such as passwords for Zoom accounts, Zoho accounts, emails, system passwords, and contact numbers of vendors or other contacts regarding our institute’s welfare must be collected from the departing individual.
  • Company belongings such as laptops, mobile phones, SIM cards, etc., should be collected and handed over to management. Subsequently, based on management’s decision, these items can be assigned to the respective individuals.
  • Internal access of the departing individual from all our organization platforms should be revoked, including Google Sheets and company websites.

Request Class Requirements:

  • Two days before each class, reach out to the trainer to obtain a list of requirements. This could include items such as flour, sugar, pans, coffee beans, milk, etc.

Cross-Check Stock:

  • Upon receiving the list, cross-check the items with the current stock available in your inventory. Make note of any items that need to be replenished.
  • Pass the list of required items to the person responsible for purchasing supplies for your institute.
  • Once the items are purchased, verify that everything on the list has been obtained. Check the quantity and quality of each item to ensure it meets the requirements for the upcoming classes.
  1. 1. Recruitment Process:
  • When a freelance trainer is needed for private or batch sessions, post the job listing on Indeed specifying the instructor with the respective course name and job requirements.
  • Once applications are received, collect and download resumes.
  • Conduct a telephonic interview with relevant questions.
  • Document the interview and submit it to management for further processing.
  • Once finalized, send the trainer the terms and conditions to be signed and forward the signed document to management.
  1. Trainer Appointment:
  • Introduce the trainer to the entire team, including the sales and admin teams, as well as other trainers.
  • Assign an official email ID for the trainer from management.
  • Provide necessary equipment like a laptop, tablet, etc.
  • Create a trainer activity group for the new joiner.
  • Add the trainer to all ongoing batches related to their course.
  • Include the trainer in the trainers’ activity group and leaders’ team group.
  • Provide access to Zoho Calendar with login credentials.
  • Grant access to the scheduled Google Sheet.
  • Provide Zoom ID and password.
  1. Knowledge Transfer to the New Joiner:
  • Introduce our classes and workflow process.
  • Clearly mention duty timings and punctuality in punching.
  • Briefly explain Zoho Calendar and its functions, such as checking, editing, and adding schedules.
  • Explain the procedures for batch and private training.
  • For batch training: Start the batch as per the schedule sheet; the admin will send a reminder to the trainer for preparation.
  • Create a WhatsApp group 1-2 days before the batch start date with all stakeholders.
  • Create an online attendance sheet before each class.
  • Ensure attendance is taken for each class.
  • If it’s a blended session, provide the Zoom link to the appropriate group 15 minutes before the session starts.
  • Record each class; the recording should be uploaded to the group by the admin the next day.
  • Confirm with the trainer one week before the batch ends for printing certificates.
  • Distribute certificates to students on the last session.
  • Collect feedback from students using a scan code.
  • For private training: Once a salesperson registers a private student, schedule it in the trainer’s calendar and notify the trainer.
  • Create a WhatsApp group 1-2 days before the session with all stakeholders.
  • Provide a manual attendance sheet for each class.
  • Ensure attendance is taken for each class.
  • If it’s an online session, provide the Zoom link to the appropriate group 15 minutes before the session starts.
  • Record the class if requested by the student; the recording should be uploaded to the group by the admin the next day.
  • Print the certificate once the salesperson updates the details in Zoho Books.
  • Collect feedback from the student using a scan code.
  1. Recruitment Process:
  • Post the sales job on Indeed, specifying the respective job title and job requirements.
  • Once applications are received, collect and download resumes.
  • Conduct a telephonic interview with relevant questions.
  • Document the interview and submit it to management for further processing.
  1. Once a New Joiner is Appointed:
  • Introduce the person to the entire team, including trainers, sales team, and admin teams.
  • Assign an official email ID for the salesperson from management.
  • Provide necessary equipment like a laptop, mobile, SIM card, etc.
  • Create a sales lead WhatsApp group for the new joiner.
  • Include the person in the sales team and leaders’ team WhatsApp group.
  • Provide access to Zoho Books with login credentials.
  • Provide access to Zoho Calendar with login credentials.
  • Grant access to the scheduled Google Sheet.
  • Ensure sales training E-portal access is given at the earliest, and it should be completed by the joiner before starting work.
  1. Knowledge Transfer to the New Joiner:
  • Give an introduction about our workflow process, from lead receiving to registration and completing courses.
  • Clearly mention the duty timings and emphasize punctuality in punching.
  • Briefly explain what Zoho Books and Zoho Calendar are and how they work, including registering students, supporting documents for registration, and checking trainer schedules in the calendar.
  • Explain the procedure for registering for batch and private training.
  • Explain the schedule sheet where the course name, batch name, start date, days, timings, trainer name, and other details will be provided.
  • For batch training registration: Check the schedule sheet and share the information with the appropriate group which the client is willing to join.
  • 1-2 days prior to the batch start date, create a WhatsApp group with all students, trainers, salespersons, and management.
  • On the day of training, if it’s a blended session, the Zoom link should be provided by the trainer to the appropriate group 15 minutes before the session starts.
  • Recording the class is mandatory. Once recorded, the recording should be uploaded to the group by the admin the next day.
  • One week prior to the batch completion, the admin will confirm with the trainer for printing certificates. On the last session, certificates will be given to students.
  • For private training: Check the availability of trainers from the trainer’s Zoho Calendar and share the information with the client. The admin will schedule it in the trainer’s calendar once it’s registered and notify the trainer.
  • 1-2 days prior to the session start date, create a WhatsApp group with students, trainers, salespersons, and management, clearly mentioning all days, timings, and total hours.
  • On the day of training, if it’s an online session, the Zoom link should be provided by the trainer to the appropriate group 15 minutes before the session starts.
  • The class should be recorded, and if the student requests, the recording should be uploaded to the group by the admin the next day.
  • The salesperson has to update the details in Zoho Books for certificate printing when the client requests.
  • Regularly monitor emails for any communication related to PSI, ACCA, or CIPS exams.
  • Respond promptly to any exam-related emails after receiving approval from management.

PSI Exam Coordination:

1.Booking Exam:

  • Students handle their own exam booking.
  • Our role is to coordinate and do all arrangements for the exam day.
  • If we need to block exam dates due to conflicting schedules (like CIPS exams), inform PSI at least 3 weeks in advance via email.

2.On the day of the exam:

  • Visitor greeting and ask for the QID/Passport
  • Open the psi exam browser
  • Select the center name
  • Proctoring ->search scheduled candidates-> give the date and time slot-> search
  • Cross check the candidate details with candidate QID/Passport.
  • Select the candidate name ->click check in-> give the check in time -> print OTP-> OK
  • Print a copy of QID/passport for documentation as proof and record in Exam Database
  • Took the candidate to the lab for exam
  • Request the candidate to keep all personal belonging including smart watch, wallet, phone should be kept in the locker.
  • Make the candidate to sit for exam, giving the printed
  • Open the PSI browser from desktop
  • Psi exam browser->GPS Assessment-> ask the candidate to give the candidate id and OTP from provided print sheet and cross check the candidate details and exam details -> start exam
  • Once exam finishes
  • Go to PSI site-> Proctoring ->search scheduled candidates-> give the date and time slot-> search
  • Select the candidate name ->click check out-> give the checkout

ACCA Exam Coordination:

1.Booking Exam:

  • Log in to the ACCA exam site. ​https://cbe.accaglobal.com/CBE/coordinator.dll/login?alias=CBE
  • Click->Book an exam
  • Select the exam subject
  • Select the student details under “Please select the required students.”
  • Choose the date and time for the exam, remembering to book 3 hours prior to UK time.
  • If the student’s name isn’t listed, add it in the student management section before booking.
  • Students->Add(Right corner)
  • Once added do the process from Book an exam

2.On the day of the exam:

  • Ensure all computers are functioning properly.
  • Print a copy of QID/passport for documentation as proof and record in Exam Database
  • Took the candidate to the exam room 15 minutes before the exam
  • Request the candidate to keep all personal belonging including smart watch, wallet, phone should be kept in the locker.
  • Open the ACCA SNA server to generate the exam token.
  • The student has to login to AACA Exam portal using login credentials. Then starts the exam.
  • Supervise the exam,
  • print certificates for passing students, and
  • submit the exam report via the ACCA SNA portal.

CIPS Exam Coordination:

  1. Before the exam:
  • Pass the invigilator test conducted by VICTIVS.
  • Upon receiving exam schedules via email, carefully review any requirements and inform management promptly.
  • Once exam dates are confirmed, block conflicting exams by emailing the appropriate parties, especially PSI Exam Board at ‘globalsessions@psionline.com’, and acknowledge their response.
  • Receive the student list with names, dates, and modules from PSI and use it to create a student exam tracking sheet.

2.On the day of the exam:

  • Verify that all computers are operational and the exam portal is activated.
  • Ensure the exam room clock is accurate.
  • Upon student arrival, verify their identification.
  • Print a copy of QID/passport for documentation as proof and record in Exam Database
  • Took the candidate to the exam room 15 minutes before the exam
  • Request the candidate to keep all personal belonging including smart watch, wallet, phone should be kept in the locker.
  • Read the CIPS-provided instructions to the students.
  • Record attendance on the student exam tracking sheet, including full name, seating number, and mark present or absent along with the student’s signature.
  • Guide students to log in to the exam portal using their provided credentials.
  • Monitor the exam via the server system using the provided credentials.
  • Submit the exam report upon completion.

